domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

How to build up a Citizen of the World

Yesterday my mum told me about a Roman girl she met the day before. She's been living in Spain for so long that she feels she's from nowhere. 

When she's in Spain, people call her a Roman. In Romania, she's the Spanish. 
I said: Yes, mum. We're from nowhere. Old roots, new traditions. A mixed identitiy. I'm a lucky person; Frontiers are an human invention. A line in a paper. In order to built a Citizen of the World you just have to let him/her go abroad. 

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Is there anybody there?

One day I'll write poems in English
I've decided right now.
It won't be a Shakespeare, 
neither a Lorca or Machado.
But I'll do it, I'm sure.

On the meantime, I'd better write prose writings. To whom read it... I mean: to Ana, because I think I haven't showed this blog to anybody else. Even though nobody knows, it can be found on the Internet, so I may have any secret follower. Wow! Such an interesting am I! 

Bzzz Bzzz!! (the alarm ringing): - Ah, OK, I had felt sleep. 

But one day I'll do creative writing in verse and English. Yeah! 

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Who am I?

I wanted to be a journalist. Not a war reporter but a local one. Or a political specialised. I wanted to be a pop star... Hehe NO I'm joking. I wanted to be 'La periodista' but in an uncertain instant I lost my way. It became a dream instead of a career and I tried to figure out what to do in a future.

I haven't decided yet, though. I takes me time to change my mind. It was difficult to assume. In the meantime, I became a teacher, but I still found something missing. I don't know if it's the fact that I have never been paid for working as a teacher or it's only that it wasn't my dream.

Studying marketing is something I have always been interested in. However, I must confess I still don't imagine myself working as an executive, dressing smart clothes in a busy office.

Is it a simple case of fear to change or is my head telling me I am ready to work as a teacher? What a headache!

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

My career

It's quite surprising how your mood improves as you receive good news. It happened to me yesterday, when I got my results of the Advance Certificate in English (CAE). I passed! Isn't that great?

So, my next goal is... Finding a job. A proper one. Changes are knocking the door and I am going to open it. Next step: looking for a postgraduate program. And a new job. And funding. And holidays... OMG! Apparently, I am going to be really bussy. Wish me luck!


martes, 16 de abril de 2013


Waking up early should be banned. Or, at least, it should be not recommended for people under 30. Or people earning more than £30.000 a year.

It's only an idea. I encourage you to consideer if it worths.

I have to go. See you!

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Trying hard

I'm going to try hard. I will. I should promise I'll write here, even when I know I'll probably break my promise.

I just wanted to say Hello blog! I miss u!
But I was busy being an antie and going on holiday.

See u soon!

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012

Christmas eve! Wow!

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

My Asian landlord

I had a Brazilian landlady in my last year in Madrid. Well, it was a girl in a man's body. That was my last landlady (named boy but looking like a girl) before I moved to England.

So, when I arrived in Cambridge I though there won't be any more surprises. English/Indian landlord, as usually. How wrong I was!

A crazy Slovenian taxi driver (or Slovakien, I'm not sure) was my next landlord. When he wasn't working he enjoyed drinking as much alcohol as possible. Who wouldn't like a warm beer as breakfast? Would you? Neither do I. What about a shoot of something (which needed an XXX label) before going to bed? When you have a flatmate metting in a language you don't understand any word, you think you won't been in such a strange situation any more. But don't forget it's me who I am talking about.

So here I am. Living in a house with my boyfriend, two Romanian brothers, two Nigerian sisters and a Lithuanian. This seems the UN... In a bizarre version.

My landlord is a handyman. A freak one. He tries to repair everything broken at home. He tries, without succeeding at all. For example, weeks ago we had some problems of humidity on the walls. He painted it in a black plastic paint. Now we have a black coloured square on our room and a leak in downstairs toilet.

I haven't said yet where he is from. Vietnam! I don't understand how can he makes understand with his Lithuanian two-metres girlfriend. If one day I decide to write a novel, I'll write about all the weird landlords I have had. I'm sure It could become a bestseller.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

The end of my holidays

Two whole weeks may seem much time, unless you are on holidays. It was three months since I didn't go to Spain and I was really willing to go.

Toro, Lleida town, Pirineos area, Aran Valley, Ponferrada and Toro again. My boyfriend and me have slept in five different bedrooms. So, it became a bit crazy but amazing. It was good to seed all my friends and family, although I must confess last days I started to feel i wanted to go back Cambridge.

It's strange, but I feel Cambridge is my home, not Spain. Although I have no job (tomorrow I'll start to go everywhere giving everybody my resume), I feel comfortable living here.

Where other than Cambridge could I feel happy? That's the question. Who knows...

sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Summer time: instant BBQ's time

Today it's really summer. It is sunny, it is hot warm and... I am at home. WTF am I doing at home? All of my friends work today and I have no one to go out with. Well, I could call some friends and persuade them to have a beer, but I am supposed to study. 

It's well known that there is no summer (in the Spanish sense of summer) in UK. It was rainning cats and dogs for the whole July but the last week. However, august it's being quite warm and lovely. It seems perfect to have a BBQ in the park. Jesus Green is the perfect place to do it. Some beers, bread, meat and an instant BBQ are all you need to have an amazing afternoon-evening. 

So, here I am at home. Yes, at home. No BBQ, no park, no friends. I am studying with me laptop and lots of papers surrounding my bed, while we have 30 degrees. Are we crazy? I think I've got enough study for today. I'm going out. I feel like cycling for a while and eating a chocolate ice-cream. Maybe I left the bike. Let's see. 

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